Are you or your institution interested in language learning, OERs, mobile learning and Data-driven learning / corpus linguistics applications and would like to collaborate?
We offer you an Associate Partnership Agreement to collaborate in the development and dissemination of the international project “TELL – OP: Transforming European Learner Language into Learning Opportunities”. The University of Murcia will share some of the data, results and products, as deemed necessary by the parties, stemming from TELL-OP and will allow the Associate Partner to participate in the different activities related to the project.
You are solely responsible for obtaining the necessary permissions to sign this agreement on behalf of your institution. The University of Murcia will incorporate your information on the project website www.tellop.eu and related social media.
Send us an e-mail tellop@um.es or tweet us @euTELLOP for further information
3 comments. Leave new
dear responsible, good afternoon,
i am prof. artur campos, an Erasmus Mundus PhD student here at the Universidade Nova de Lisboa (UNL) where i have an approved project at Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia dwelling about apps developed to teach/learn english (Busuu, Babbel, Duoling and others) and i will be here developing this doctoral research until july 2017.
i got really interested in becoming a partner of TELLOP and, by doing so, include UNL into the system of universities working with MALL and mobile learning and i am under the impression that TELLOP is the right “click”.
looking forward to receiving some more info and not to be too long in this 1st email,
artur campos
Dear Artur,
Please send us you email so we can send you the associated partnership agreement for you to fill in and become an associated partner.
Pilar Aguado (paguado@um.es)
yes ,
i am really interested in becoming a Tell-Op member, as my phd thesis is about MALL – mobile assited language learning for english learning.
I am a university professor from brasil and currently live in portugal for this phd andbecoming a member will be a major opportunity.
please send me all the papers you need so i can submit to the university and we start the partnership.
thanks for the opportunity,
ps: i submitted an abstract to the event in Germany and have no answer about approvals or not….any news ??