International Conference MOOCs, Informal Language Learning, and Mobility 20 – 21st October 2016, Milton Keynes, UK
The Department of Languages at The Open University (UK), as one of the partners of the project “MOOCs for University Students on the Move in Europe” (MOVE-ME) funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union, will host an international conference on “MOOCs, Informal Language Learning, and Mobility”. The conference will take place at The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK on 20th and 21st October 2016.
Confirmed keynote speakers and topics:
Professor Agnes Kukulska-Hulme (The Open University) Mobile Learning Applications for Newcomers to a City
Dr Jeremy Knox (Edinburgh University) Beyond the ‘c-’ and the ‘x-’: new paradigms for MOOC learning
Call for papers (deadline: 27th May 2016)
In addition to MOVE-ME project presentations, we welcome research-related papers, presentations of case studies and projects as well as posters on MOOCs, Informal Language Learning, and Mobility. Topics include but are not limited to:
MOOCs – design, learning, teaching, quality assurance, etc
CALL and its normalisation
Mobile-assisted language teaching and learning
Informal language learning
Learning to learn languages
Student mobility
Virtual classrooms, eLearning, and ePortfolio Abstracts are invited for a 20-minute presentation or a poster. Please send your abstracts (specifying whether it is a presentation or a poster) in a titled attachment of not more than 300 words in length, with name, address and affiliation. We will be able to fund (up to 200€) a small number of presenters coming from outside UK. Email the abstract to: Hannah Leicester hannah.leicester@open.ac.uk by 27th May 2016, and we will notify you by 10th June.
We plan to publish a selection of papers in research-publishing.net (peer- reviewed and open access online). Details about how to submit the full paper will be announced later here.
Conference Fees: Conference attendance is FREE for all presenters and non-presenting attendees. Coffee/tea and lunch will be provided. Non-presenting attendees registering after 1st August 2016 will pay a £10 administration fee.
Registration: Download the registration form from here. Email the completed form to Hannah Leicester hannah.leicester@open.ac.uk by 31st July 2016. For more information about accommodation and travelling, please visit here.